Responsible for the preparation of the MTSFB work programme in relation to the development of standards, and the monitoring of the management and progress of Technical Codes. The RP is accountable to the Board at all times and operates under the direction of the Board with the support and consultation of the MTSFB Management.
Dr. Gopinath Rao Sinniah
RP Chair
Dr. Gopinath Rao Sinniah
WG1 – Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Sustainable Cities
The MTSFB membership is paramount in ensuring that your interest is put forward to industry members.
Your experience, company capability and wide knowledge in this area will contribute to the Working Group objectives to develop Technical Standards/Guidelines pertaining to ICT particularly in network infrastructure technologies development in Malaysia and the region.
By being a part of MTSFB, you have the opportunity to influence the decisions that impact your business. Ordinary and Associate members will enjoy the following benefits:
Unlimited access to MTSFB website with response time within 24 hours in any queries.
Opportunities to represent MTSFB in regional and international meetings such as ITU-T, ASTAP, and more.
Contribute to global standards and the best practices.
Participate or lead Working Groups on emerging issues in the communications and multimedia industry.
“Being a pioneer and an active participant since the inception of MTSFB in 2004, I must say it has been a very exciting and elevating experience for me. Being able to be part of a team that has the best interest for the industry, government agencies and public at large is pertinent to our presence.
I have had the pleasure to be the Working Group Chairman, the Reference Panel Chairman, as well as represent Malaysia in WTSA, ASTAP and other related International Forums that had significant deliverables realized. The countless sessions, discussions, meetings, events, workshops and retreats, along with a wide range of topics and subjects, have altogether broadened my knowledge and strengthened my proficiencies.
I am humbled by this exposure and confidence entrusted in me by MTSFB. I will continue to support and provide my assistance whenever it’s needed.”
Azura Mat Salim
“My involvement with MTSFB started in 2009 as a Secretary under the IPv6 Working Group. Over the years, I have had the privilege of working with the industry’s pioneers, leaders and experts in cross-functional areas for standards development, with good exposure from working with MTSFB’s well-mixed composition of members.
Through my engagement with MTSFB, I was able to participate in events at national and international levels, enabling me to contribute to my organisation and country. I am now the Chairman of the Numbering & Addressing WG. MTSFB not only brings the best together, but also nurtures talent in the industry. Come join MTSFB and let’s work together for the development of communications and multimedia industry in Malaysia!”
Mohd Yusairi Abu Hassan
“MTSFB is a very good and relevant platform in the industry to promote and introduce good practices in order to ensure all parties adhere to the standards. With that, we will be able to continuously contribute our knowledge to the country through Technical Code.
My participation in MTSFB’s activities has opened up my mind and broadened my horizons in the communications and multimedia industry. I can meet people in public and listen to their needs through engagement sessions. I have also had the opportunity to meet and work alongside many experts in the industry.
Thank you MTSFB for this wonderful opportunity!”
Dr Gopinath Rao Sinniah
"If one wishes to find more about technical standards and participate in the discussions on it then MTSFB is the place. MTSFB provides an avenue for people to collaborate and engage in technology-related topics. Besides that, their constant support allowed us to participate, contribute, and develop standard documents locally and internationally. Thanks to MTSFB, I’ve gained a lot of experiences and valuable knowledge in technology, standard drafting, and others, during my participation and interaction with other experts at various events."
Prof Dr Shahrulniza Musa
"My area of expertise is in Communication Network Security. I have learned a lot from my involvement in the Working group where the latest issues and standards regarding CyberSecurity are shared and discussed. It is also a good platform for networking with industry players in CyberSecurity not only in Malaysia but from all around the world such as ITU-T. The MTSFB Working Group creates a platform for professional networking; to share and to gain new knowledge, industry best practices, technical codes and standard in the latest technology."
Dr Wahidah Hashim
"I always regard MTSFB is my premium platform to learn about telecommunication standards which I do not get such information from the textbook. All the real industrial practices and networking with local and global telecommunication industrial players are among the valuable knowledge that I obtained since joining MTSFB. Chairing the wireless terminal working group as well as assisting in the MTSFB reference panel are the most honourable recognition that I have ever received from MTSFB. The given opportunity, trust, and responsibility taught me so much about managing telecommunication standards, technical codes, guidelines, and even project proposals. I would certainly recommend young graduates to join and contribute to MTSFB. You are not only gaining knowledge and experience for yourself but also contributing good standard practice to your beloved country."
Dr Gopinath Rao Sinniah
Dr Gopinath Rao Sinniah
Dr Wahidah Hashim
Prof Dr Shahrulniza Musa
Mohd Yusairi Abu Hassan
“MTSFB is a very good and relevant platform in the industry to promote and introduce good practices in order to ensure all parties adhere
“MTSFB is a very good and relevant platform in the industry to promote and introduce good practices in order to ensure all parties adhere to the standards. With that, we will be able to continuously contribute our knowledge to the country through Technical Code.
My participation in MTSFB’s activities has opened up my mind and broadened my horizons in the communications and multimedia industry. I can meet people in public and listen to their needs through engagement sessions. I have also had the opportunity to meet and work alongside many experts in the industry.
Thank you MTSFB for this wonderful opportunity!”
Azura Mat Salim
“My involvement with MTSFB started in 2009 as a Secretary under the IPv6 Working Group. Over the years, I have had the privilege of
“My involvement with MTSFB started in 2009 as a Secretary under the IPv6 Working Group. Over the years, I have had the privilege of working with the industry’s pioneers, leaders and experts in cross-functional areas for standards development, with good exposure from working with MTSFB’s well-mixed composition of members.
Through my engagement with MTSFB, I was able to participate in events at national and international levels, enabling me to contribute to my organisation and country. I am now the Chairman of the Numbering & Addressing WG. MTSFB not only brings the best together, but also nurtures talent in the industry. Come join MTSFB and let’s work together for the development of communications and multimedia industry in Malaysia!”
Mr Ratnam NA
“Being a pioneer and an active participant since the inception of MTSFB in 2004, I must say it has been a very exciting and
“Being a pioneer and an active participant since the inception of MTSFB in 2004, I must say it has been a very exciting and elevating experience for me. Being able to be part of a team that has the best interest for the industry, government agencies and public at large is pertinent to our presence.
I have had the pleasure to be the Working Group Chairman, the Reference Panel Chairman, as well as represent Malaysia in WTSA, ASTAP and other related International Forums that had significant deliverables realized. The countless sessions, discussions, meetings, events, workshops and retreats, along with a wide range of topics and subjects, have altogether broadened my knowledge and strengthened my proficiencies.
I am humbled by this exposure and confidence entrusted in me by MTSFB. I will continue to support and provide my assistance whenever it’s needed.”
Application of Membership
To be a Member of MTSFB, all applicants must fill up the Online Registration Form.
The membership year is from January 1 to December 31. All memberships will expire on December 31 regardless of when it is commenced.
Membership Renewals
1 Jan
each year
Memberships are due for renewal by January 1 of each year. Members must pay all outstanding fees from the previous year in order to be eligible to renew.
Suspension, Termination or Cessation of Membership
A Member shall cease to be a Member and its name shall be removed from the Register of Members in any case of the following events:
when notice in writing is given to the office to resign from membership;
when the organisation is bankrupt;
when a Member has merged with another entity;
when a Member has ceased to represent the interests of the body, Association or interest group; or any Member whose membership fee remains unpaid by March in each calendar year.
Upon termination of membership, they must immediately cease to use any logo, trademark or other indicia of the membership.
Technical Code
What is Technical Code?
Technical Code (TC) is a voluntary industry code that sets out the requirements and best practices to ensure network facilities, services and equipment are interoperable and safe. TC also acts as a harmoniser of differing industries and international standards through consensus among various stakeholders to suit the country’s requirements.
Land Mobile Radio Equipment – Specifications (Second Revision)
Communications Terminal
Pending registration
Deployment Specifications for Segment Routing Over Internet Protocol Version 6
Numbering and Electronic Addressing
Pending registration
Basic Civil Works – Last Mile Fixed Network Telecommunications Pole
Fixed Network Facilities
Pending registration
Fixed Network Facilities – In-Building and for Brownfield
Fixed Network Facilities
Pending registration
Voice over LTE – System and Device Compatibility
Fixed Network Facilities
Pending registration
Internet of Things – Privacy Requirements
Security, Trust and Privacy
Under development
Radiocommunications Network Facilities – Smart Pole (First Revision)
Radiocommunications Network Facilities
Under development
Radiocommunications Network Facilities – Street Furniture (First Revision)
Radiocommunications Network Facilities
Under development
Radiocommunications Network Facilities – Minor Communications Infrastructure (First Revision)
Radiocommunications Network Facilities
Under development
Short Range Devices (Revision)
Communications Terminal
Under development
Radar Equipment – Specifications
Communications Terminal
Under development
Communications Equipment – Baseline requirements
Communications Terminal
Under development
Innovative Network Telemetry using In-situ Flow Information Telemetry (IFIT)
Numbering & Electronic Addressing
Under development
IMT-2020 (Fifth Generation) – System and Specifications for Non-Public Network (NPN)
IMT & Future Networks
Under development
Voice over LTE and WIFI system architecture and Specifications
IMT & Future Networks
Fixed Network Facilities – Pole
Fixed Network Facilities
IMT-2020 Security Requirement (First Revision)
Security, Trust and Privacy
Digital Infrastructure Asset Management
Radiocommunications Network Facilities
5G Enterprise/Private Network
IMT & Future Networks
Cyber Risk Assessment
Security, Trust and Privacy
Digital Identity & Trust Management
Security, Trust and Privacy
MCMC MTSFB TC G015:2017 G indicates TC on other matters under Section 185 of the CMA 1998
MCMC MTSFB TC T014:2017 T indicates TC for the purpose of certifying communications equipment under the Communications & Multimedia (Technical Standards) Regulations 2000
The initial subscription fee and annual membership fee payable by the applicant for Ordinary and Associate Membership is described in in the schedule below:
Initial Subscription Fees and Annual Membership Fees
Ordinary Members (OM)
Annual Revenue
Initial Fee (RM)
Annual Fee (RM)
100 Million and above
Above 50 Million to 100 Million
Above 10 Million to 50 Million
Above 5 Million to 10 Million
5 Million or less
Profit Organisation
100 Million and above
Less than 100 Million
Non-Profit Organisation
National Standards Development Agency
Membership Fee
The initial subscription fee and annual membership fee payable by the applicant for Ordinary and Associate Membership is described in in the schedule below:
Initial Subscription Fees and Annual Membership Fees
Associate Members (AM)
Annual Revenue
Initial Fee (RM)
Annual Fee (RM)
Differences between Ordinary Member (OM)
and Associate Member (AM)
Ordinary Member (OM)
Associate Member (AM)
Admission to Membership & Its Criteria
Article 5 The applicant shall be:
a) a Licensee; or
b) a National Standards Development Agency; or
c) a corporation or a person whom the Board considers that their admission would advance the achievement of the objects of the Company.
Article 9 The Board will admit the membership of any person, corporation or organisation as an AM if:
a) the Board considers that the admission of that particular person, corporation or organisation would advance achievement of the objects of the Company; or
b) the person, corporation or organisation that is entitled to be admitted as an OM chooses to be admitted as an AM and not as an OM.
The Director of MTSFB shall, on the requisition of not less than 10% of the total OM as at the date of the requisition deposit, convene an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) as soon as practicable.
Article 27(a)
The AM has no right to request for a general meeting.
Voting Rights at General Meeting
Article 25 Every OM is entitled to vote in person or by proxy or by its Authorised Representative at any general meetings.
Article 35 On a show of hands or a poll, every OM shall have one vote.
Article 27
AM is entitled to attend the General Meeting (GM) in person or by proxy or by its Authorised Representative AND may only vote in relation to any variation to the fees stated under the ‘Membership Fee’ section and the appointment of the Chairman.
Quorum for General Meeting
Article 26
Five (5) OM present in person or by proxy or by its Authorised Representative.
Article 27(b)
The AM will not be counted in determining whether a quorum is present at the time when the GM proceeds to business.
Demand for Poll
Article 31
At least three (3) OR present in person or by proxy or by its Authorised Representative may demand for a poll.
No such provision in the Article of Association (AA) of MTSFB.
Signing of Members’ Circular Resolution (MCR)
Article 51
A resolution in writing signed by ALL OM shall be as valid and effective as if the same has been passed at a GM of the Company.
No such provision in the Article of Association (AA) of MTSFB.
Nomination & Appointment of Directors
Article 55 The OM is entitled to nominate a representative to sit in the Board of MTSFB.
No such provision in the Article of Association (AA) of MTSFB
Notice of Meetings
Article 122
The Notice of every GM shall be given to the OM.
Article 122
The Notice of every GM shall be given to AM.
Broadcast Technology
Multimedia Broadcast Receiver Sub Working Group
Digital Terrestrial Television Sub Working Group
Internet Protocol Television Sub Working Group
Digital Radio Broadcast Sub Working Group
Satellite Broadcast Terminal Sub Working Group
To provide technical reference for development in areas encompassing Headend Equipment in Broadcast Hubs (compression, MUX, network), Broadcast Receiver & Devices (specifications, certification) and Broadcast Product & Services (OTT, HbbTV, etc.)
Registered ten (10) Technical Codes under Broadcast and Type approval
Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) - Hybrid broadcast broadband television middleware profile was awarded as The Fast and Furious Technical Code Award 2017 at the MTSFB Appreciation Night 2018
Communications Terminal
Fixed Terminal Sub Working Group
Wireless Terminal Sub Working Group
To formulate and develop the standards needed to support the delivery of services within or across fixed networks and wireless networks.
To review existing standards and to provide a platform to assemble information from various aspects including the public expectation and industry updates including regulatory policies.
To address/identify issues relating to the technical constraints in the latest technologies and propose recommendations for improvements.
To enhance the coverage of the standards to cater for future development.
To organise periodic seminars, awareness talks and engagement to increase the competency of the local industry and for public awareness.
To participate and contribute to MCMC, regional and international activities at ITU and APT levels.
Registered eleven (11) Technical Codes under Type Approval
Green ICT, Environment & Climate Change
E-Waste Sub Working Group
Hydrogen Sub Working Group
Wireless Industry Emission Sub Working Group
To actively promote the GICT, Environment and Climate change concept in relation to the telecommunications industry and to set up a minimum related technical codes and/or guidelines that can be used across industries.
Registered three (3) Technical Codes under IPv6/GreenICT/IoT
Security, Trust & Privacy
Information & Network Security Sub Working Group
Application Security Sub Working Group
IoT Security Sub Working Group
Trust & Privacy Sub Working Group
STP WG is the lead working group on Information Network Security (INS), IoT security, application security, device security, as well as trust and privacy.
Registered ten (10) Technical Codes under Information Network Security
The working group was awarded the Glory of Convergence Award at the MTSFB Appreciation Night 2018
Requirements for Information and Network Security was awarded as The Fast and Furious Technical Code Award 2016 at the MTSFB Appreciation Night 2018
Radiocommunications Network Facilities
RNF (External) Sub Working Group
RNF (Internal) Sub Working Group
To specify the general requirements for external telecommunications infrastructure that comprises the design requirements in the construction structural, mechanical, and electrical aspects including aesthetic and safety aspects in consideration of the public and community.
Registered four (4) Technical Codes under Radiocommunication/Mobile
Radiocommunications Network Facilities – Smart Pole was awarded as The Fast and Furious Technical Code Award 2017 at the MTSFB Appreciation Night 2018
Fixed Network Facilities
Broadcasting Network Facility Sub Working Group
Fixed Network Facility Sub Working Group
Power Line Communications Sub Working Group
Occupational Safety & Health Sub Working Group
To be actively involved in developing and promoting the technical standards and infrastructure requirements related to Network and Broadcast Facilities and Infrastructure.
Registered ten (10) Technical Codes under Fixed Network and Broadcast
Technical Standard and Infrastructure Requirements for Broadcast Network Facility was awarded as The Inspire Technical Code Award 2016 at the MTSFB Appreciation Night 2018
Numbering & Electronic Addressing
IPv6 shall be a subset of numbering and electronic addressing.
To develop Standards/Guidelines/Technical Documents related to numbering and electronic addressing from the aspects of development, adoption, operational, use cases, and more.
To organise and participate in events to increase competency on numbering and electronic addressing to adapt to future needs.
Registered three (3) Technical Codes under IPv6/GreenICT/IoT and Type Approval
International Mobile Telecommunication and Future Networks
International Mobile Telecommunication Sub Working Group
5G Sub Working Group
To identify and develop roadmap, guidelines, recommendations and standards to accelerate the adoption of 5G technology (IMT-2020).
To identify and facilitate the development 5G use cases relevant to Malaysia.
To organise periodic seminars on 5G to increase the competency of the local industry and awareness of 5G.
To participate in and contribute to regional and/or international IMT-2020 activities at ITU and APT.
Registered one (1) Technical Codes under Radiocommunication/ Mobile
Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Sustainable Cities
Internet of Things Sub Working Group
Smart Cities Sub Working Group
To develop IoT-related technical reports, guidelines, recommendations and standards.
To work on Smart Sustainable Cities and 4th Industrial Revolution Technical Documents that are specific to IoT.
To advise regulatory, legal and governmental bodies on IoT.
To be involved in the IoT conferences and standards meeting such as ITU SG 20.
To hold seminars on IoT standards and new emerging applications.
To provide and create interoperability and conformance testing standards for IoT products.
Registered two (2) Technical Codes under Information Network Security and IPv6/GreenICT/IoT