Malaysian Technical Standards Forum Bhd (MTSFB)
The Malaysian Technical Standards Forum Bhd (MTSFB) is the leading standardisation body for Malaysia’s communications and multimedia industry.

Developing Standards for a Progressive Tomorrow
The Malaysian Technical Standards Forum Bhd (MTSFB) stands as the premier standardisation body for Malaysia’s Communications and Multimedia Industry. Founded on 8 June 2004 as a company limited by guarantee, it was later designated as a Technical Standards Forum by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) on 27 October 2004.

Our Role
MTSFB plays a pivotal role in the development, recommendation, modification, and updating of technical codes, pursuant to Section 94 (Chapter 9 of Part V) and Section 184 (Chapter 3 of Part VII) of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 (CMA 1998). These codes are vital for ensuring network interoperability, safety, and other technical aspects related to network facilities, services, and application services.

Facilitating Value Creation
By promoting the adoption of technical codes, MTSFB fosters value creation and encourages voluntary compliance within Malaysia’s Communications and Multimedia (C&M) industry. Our efforts align with the principles of CMA 1998, creating a collaborative platform for industry players, academicians, regulators, vendors, government agencies, service providers, and consumers. Together, we work in the creation of standards and advocate the technology adoption that enhance the quality, efficiency, and safety of communication technologies.

Alignment with International Standards
MTSFB ensures that national standards are in harmony with international practices. This alignment facilitates the adoption of new technologies, addresses local industry needs, and promotes innovation within the sector.

Industry Promotion and Development Grants (IPDG)
To further support technical code development, MTSFB administers Industry Promotion and Development Grants (IPDG). These grants fund the proofs-of-concept projects, enabling data collection and studies that provide input and insights to the development of technical codes.

Developing Standards for a Progressive Tomorrow
The Malaysian Technical Standards Forum Bhd (MTSFB) stands as the premier standardisation body for Malaysia’s Communications and Multimedia Industry. Founded on 8 June 2004 as a company limited by guarantee, it was later designated as a Technical Standards Forum by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) on 27 October 2004.

Our Role
MTSFB plays a pivotal role in the development, recommendation, modification, and updating of technical codes, pursuant to Section 94 (Chapter 9 of Part V) and Section 184 (Chapter 3 of Part VII) of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 (CMA 1998). These codes are vital for ensuring network interoperability, safety, and other technical aspects related to network facilities, services, and application services.

Facilitating Value Creation
By promoting the adoption of technical codes, MTSFB fosters value creation and encourages voluntary compliance within Malaysia’s Communications and Multimedia (C&M) industry. Our efforts align with the principles of CMA 1998, creating a collaborative platform for industry players, academicians, regulators, vendors, government agencies, service providers, and consumers. Together, we work in the creation of standards and advocate the technology adoption that enhance the quality, efficiency, and safety of communication technologies.

Alignment with International Standards
MTSFB ensures that national standards are in harmony with international practices. This alignment facilitates the adoption of new technologies, addresses local industry needs, and promotes innovation within the sector.

Industry Promotion and Development Grants (IPDG)
To further support technical code development, MTSFB administers Industry Promotion and Development Grants (IPDG). These grants fund the proofs-of-concept projects, enabling data collection and studies that provide input and insights to the development of technical codes.


MTSFB envisions to become the leading standardisation organisation and the focal body for communications and multimedia industry standards that fulfil the Malaysian market needs.


MTSFB’s mission is to provide a platform for interested parties to come together and collaborate on the production of standards for the communications and multimedia industry.

Board of Directors

Under the leadership of the Chairman, Ms Azni Risa Ramlan and Board Members, MTSFB continues to build on its strengths to better support the development of the industry. Their profound knowledge and experience enable MTSFB to fulfil its mandate more effectively and proficiently.

Ms. Azni Risa Ramlan

Vice President, Business Innovation & Technology at Telekom Malaysia Berhad

Mr. Norazizan Mohamad

Head of Department Network Industry at Maxis Broadband Sdn Bhd

Mr, Nivendran Veerappan

Head, Broadcast Technology at Astro

Mr. Fami Abdul Hamid

Principle Regulatory at Digi Telecommunications Sdn Bgd

Organisational Leadership

The management sets the wheels in motion for the implementation and execution of MTSFB’s roles and responsibilities. With experienced hands at the helm, they set the ball rolling, allowing the Company to scale new heights.

Reference Panel

Responsible for the preparation of the MTSFB work programme in relation to the development of standards, and the monitoring of the management and progress of Technical Codes. The RP is accountable to the Board at all times and operates under the direction of the Board with the support and consultation of the MTSFB Management.

Working Groups​

The MTSFB Working Groups (WGs) consist of representatives from service providers, manufacturers, vendors, distributors, higher learning institutions and other interested experts who are keen to bring technology to new levels. Members are welcome to participate in any WGs aligned with their interests. Each WG is led by a Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary. The Chair of each WG also serves as a member of the Reference Panel (RP), who is responsible for advising WGs on the preparation of MTSFB’s work programmes. They are accountable to the Board at all times and shall operate under the direction of the Board with the support of and in consultation with MTSFB’s Management. 

In the WGs, members can discuss matters related to their respective WGs, especially those that lead to the development of Technical Codes (TC). Each WG focuses on specific areas of technology and standards development, encouraging collaboration and incorporating diverse perspectives. Sub-WGs may be formed to assist with the standardisation tasks of the WGs.

In certain situations, Focus Groups (FGs) may be established to undertake specific development of the study based on the focus areas. The standardisation works carried out by the Working Groups aligned to ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) Study Groups (SG) are shown in the following figure.

Scope of WGs

    1. To develop and maintain technical codes, conformance testing standards, technical documents, guidelines, recommendations, and standards across their respective domains.
    2. To expert advice to regulatory, legal, and government bodies in their areas of expertise.
    3. To create awareness and promotion on the specific areas and new emerging technologies.
    4. To participate and/or contribute to other relevant standard organisation and related stakeholders.
    5. To adopt sustainable development efforts where relevant.

In essence, technologies, standards and harmonisation play a huge part in building our nation and promoting global competitiveness by ensuring network interoperability, safety, and operation. The quality of communications and multimedia networks will continue to be enhanced to meet consumer and industry expectations as well as to reflect our national aspirations.

MTSFB is a platform for industries to come together and agree on standards that support the communications and multimedia industry. We are very privileged to have the opportunity to work with experts consisting of manufacturers, academicians, telcos and other interested experts who play a huge part in propelling the industry towards a brighter future.


Join our membership today and gain access to insights on emerging standards and the opportunity to shape them!

Become a Member of MTSFB!

Company Information

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Please attach the following documents:

  1. Certificate of Incorporation or Business Registration Certificate - Form 8 or Form 9 or Form under Section 17, - Form 24/ Form under section78, and - Form 49/ Form under Section 58
  2. The Latest copy of Company Profile from SSM MYDATA.
  3. Audited Financial Statement or Annual Report of the applicant.
  4. Organisation Profile.
  5. Business Card of the Appointed Corporate Representatives.
  6. Copy of Identification Card (Malaysian citizen) or Passport (non- citizen) of the appointed Corporate Representatives, and
  7. Certificate of Appointment of the Corporate Representative to attend the Annual General Meeting

Note: All documents must be in PDF Files should not exceed 5GB. Please compile all documents into a zip file.

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Ordinary Members

Associate Members


Technology Experts

Institution of Higher Learning

Internet of Things (loT) & Smart Sustainable Cities

  1. To develop IoT-related technical reports, guidelines, recommendations and standards.
  2. To work on Smart Sustainable Cities and 4th Industrial Revolution Technical Documents that are specific to IoT.
  3. To advise regulatory, legal and governmental bodies on IoT.
  4. To be involved in the IoT conferences and standards meeting such as ITU SG 20.
  5. To hold seminars on IoT standards and new emerging applications.
  6. To provide and create interoperability and conformance testing standards for IoT products.
  1. Registered two (2) Technical Codes under Information Network Security and IPv6/GreenICT/IoT